
Tombo’s <audio-player> and <web-player> Web Components

For a demo of these components in action, visit my website where I’ve got them running right now:

Simple Audio Player (<audio-player>)

A super-basic web component that wraps around the Audio API to make a nice looking player with album art and simple metadata.


First, add this script to whichever page you’re adding a player to. It’ll load the web component.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//" defer></script>

Default style

Then, use the web-component:

<audio-player title="Floating Amongst the Stars" artist="TomboFry" sources="/song-url.opus,/song-url.caf" image="/image-url.jpg" min-height="500"></audio-player>


A compact player doesn’t require anything except a list of sources:

<audio-player sources="/song-url.mp3" compact dark></audio-player>


You can provide the following attributes to the audio player:

Useful Options

Niche/Technical Options

Global Web Player (<web-player>)

A global persistent music player with a queue and proper mediaSession support (provided your website is SPA-esque, and doesn’t perform any full page loads).

This can be used in conjunction with <audio-player>: if the global player is present, clicking play on an audio player will send the song to the global player instead, and a plus icon will appear on the player, allowing you to add to the queue as well.


[!IMPORTANT] Make sure FontAwesome 4.7.0 is loaded, however you see fit: the UI icons rely on this. I know it’s old, but the newer versions require accounts and payments, and I don’t want the hassle.

Add this script and create the component at the end of your HTML body.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//" defer></script>

<web-player css="//"></web-player>

Alternatively, you can host the JS/CSS files yourself, but make sure to specify a link to the CSS file by using the css attribute. Just keep in mind that the minified CSS is not compatible with the non-minified JS, and vice versa.

(FWIW, I’m still trying to figure out a better way to include this, so the styles are isolated within the component’s shadowRoot)

Queueing and Playing Songs

If you choose not to use the audio-player component above, web-player exposes some functions you can use to queue/play songs, under window.TomboAudioPlayer:

Add To Playlist

  title: 'Every Waking Moment',
  album: 'Floating Amongst the Stars',
  artist: 'TomboFry',
  src: '/path/to/audio.mp3',
  imageSrc: '/path/to/folder.jpg'

You can also add multiple in one go, by providing an array of songs instead:

  { src: '/path/to/audio1.mp3', title: 'Song 1' },
  { src: '/path/to/audio2.mp3' /* etc. */ },
  { src: '/path/to/audio3.mp3' },

Load Playlist From JSON

Alternatively, you can load an entire playlist from a JSON file, which is an array containing the same structure as above.


  { "src": "/path/to/audio1.mp3", "title": "Song 1" },
  { "src": "/path/to/audio2.mp3", "title": "Song 2", "artist": "Blur" },
  { "src": "/path/to/audio3.mp3", "title": "Song 3" }
window.TomboAudioPlayer.loadPlaylistFromJson('/path/to/playlist.json', true);